I met a sheep farmer who is my kind of gal. She has 23 sheep and shears them herself with scissors. She buys a new pair of Fisker orange handled shears every spring and goes to work shearing her flock. She said she loves shearing sheep and would come help me in March.
She also said she wants to buy a dark ram lamb from me if we have any born here this spring. She wants to add color to her flock. Wow, I hope it is that easy to sell most of the lambs this spring.
She is a real easy going person and put on her website that no one should buy fleece from her if they were going to complain about it.
Charlie said he had a small round bale of hay he could spare that he would bring over tomorrow so that the sheep and Beau could have free choice hay. Again, put out a "would like" and voila! Hope the critters aren't picky about the hay.
The chickens were down at the spring again today (they really like it down there). I went down to see how things looked and found some water cress to munch on. I decided it would be a good day to drag the old bike up too. There were two young boys in the family that lived here before us and one of them left a bike down near the spring. Every time I saw it, it just didn't seem a good day to try to drag it up and then I would forget about it until the next time I went down there which also wasn't a good day. Today was a good day to drag it up and maybe soon I will drag up the old car tire and a few other weird things.
Oh, so that's where those muscles come from!