Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We Are Who We Are

Today, after many years of planning on learning how to knit by the Continental method, I finally did. Thanks M. See what comes from listening. M. is the student who yesterday told me she needed to learn to knit left-handed and that was that.

So I googled left-handed knitting and learned some interesting things and had some good laughs. Several peopled suggested lefties learn to knit by the Continental method because you hold the yarn in your left hand but don't need to translate every pattern. I also practiced true left handed knitting but boy is that awkward. Two articles I read, suggested everyone learn several methods, including ones they make up. One of the funniest things I read was on the subject of the question I get more than any other, "what do you do when you get all the stitches off one needle and on to the other?" The writer just taught herself to knit backwards because she thought that was what everyone did. It never occurred to her to switch hands. I love it, now I want to try that -- boggles my mind thinking about it but maybe it won't be too bad. I guess many do it for short rows and special projects. If I had pushed M. to learn right handed knitting I would have missed so much.

It rained all day today so about 3 I decided to take the animals treats. I discovered I had two too many animals. No, no extra bodies they just decided to hang out under the shelter behind the garage/barn and I guess it was a little tight so Charlotte and Jumpin Jack were hanging out in the regular barn alone. Part of the regular barn gets wet on the ground from water coming down slope. The shelter, behind the garage/barn, has a raised cement floor with dry straw on top. Guess I have to move excavation around the barn up on the priority list. Later, when I went down to close the chicken coop and red gate, I was worried they would be split up again but they were all up at the barn, I guess, anyway not in the shelter.

It is always so interesting to me to see how a topic comes up in one part of my life and then is repeated elsewhere a day or two later. At sauna this afternoon, the topic came up about child rearing and different peoples approaches. Some were talking about the "because I said so" approach and Peggy and I couldn't remember ever saying that. Lyndy, correct me if I am wrong.

We are who we are-- animal or human, no one should try to change us by my way of thinking.


  1. Today you are you,
    that is truer than true.
    There is no one alive
    who is youer than you.

    Dr. Suess

    1. Yay Dr. Suess one of my favorite authors -Thanks Karen
