Saturday, November 26, 2011


Thanksgiving and the day after, I was enjoying the part of our family, that was visiting, SO much, that I barely touched a computer or cell phone. (Jen, talk about commas)

The company was superb and the weather delightful! And the food.............. Thanksgiving day, I began giving my thanks, for Jen's talent and tradition of making us croissants. The day started with a bite of an amazing chocolate almond croissant two minutes out of the oven. It's kind of like eating fresh corn; it is always good, but when you have it eight minutes after picking-- it is truly encompassing. For croissants, the precise time is two minutes. The croissant felt like it was hugging me, tucking me into bed, and wafting an exotic foreign fragrance under my nose at the same time. It was near perfect flakiness, near perfect color, and near perfect temperature (only God is Perfect).

The pot next to the croissants is Wades Mills grits to which we added ham Lyndy brought, from her weekend employer and friend, Bashir. A sharp cheddar cheese from Farm to You rounded out the yummy breakfast.

I next gave thanks for the superb brightness and delightfulness of the day served to us and when Lyndy woke up, I gave thanks for family present that day. Later, friends came to join us for dinner, and I was thankful for friends, especially ones so artistic and accomplished in the art of food growing and combining. Our friends added a kale and squash side dish and a cranberry almond tart. The kale dish also had that pick and cook component and a wonderful balance of earthy, sweet, and tart (there were a few cranberries tucked in). The cranberry almond tart was one of the most beautiful things I have ever eaten. It looked sculptured and the blend was just right; offering cranberries not too tart or sweet accompanied by the nutty sweet taste of almonds.

Before we ate our dinner, the animals who reside here were strolling and on cue went to greet our friends as they drove up to the house. When it was nearly time for our dinner, John and David led the animals back to the barnyard and gave them their treat (a handful of grain as usual). I am so thankful that the animals are so polite and well mannered.

Lyndy brought a local free range turkey for dinner. It came with a free home made pumpkin pie... can't beat that. Other traditional dishes completed the menu.

Parts of Thanksgiving Day are always tradition. Parts of Thanksgiving Day are always unknown and come together in harmony. I give thanks for all of it.

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