Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sal is a Big Girl Now

I went out to the barn a couple of days ago and found a round patch of fresh hay.  I thought to myself, "why didn't the sheep eat this hay?"  Then I decided if they weren't going to eat it I would scatter it on some wet areas.  As I picked up the hay I found 2 goose eggs.  The other 2 eggs are chicken eggs Charlie brought us, just to show a comparison in size.  The speckled egg is extra large.

The nest the geese built in the barn was pretty well built but not in a good place so I moved it to the geese run and gave the geese a little extra hay.  I noticed 4 white feathers Cirrus lost in the barn, keeping the sheep from the nest.  I kept the geese in their run for part of the day, today, so they would build a new more appropriate nest.  It isn't as pretty as the first but it kind of looks like a nest.  It was too nice a day to keep them in all day and every time they would hear the house door open they squawked to be let out.  We will see if Sal lays an egg in it tomorrow or maybe I will need to build a small nesting box or better protection.

Yesterday, I finished some homespun a friend is going to weave with, today, I went to a spinning demonstration at the library, gave a farm tour to 4 college students and gave the sheep their garlic for the new moon.  Tomorrow, my attention goes to geese.

I received a call this morning from a guy in NJ who wants to come to Ruckus Day next Saturday.  He and his wife and their 2 young children are going to Ashville NC  and stopping in Lexington for a break.  I asked him how he heard about Ruckus Day and he said, through the power of Google.  He said he just googled Lexington VA and March 28th and we came up.  So strange, I will never get used to so many people finding us through the internet.  Such a different world we live in now.

I felt a little guilty putting Sal's eggs in the bright green new spring grass when there is probably still snow up north but soon the green will be everywhere.


1 comment:

  1. That's so exciting - goose eggs! One day when you have some to spare I'd like to buy some from you to hatch. If you'd like to hatch some too you may borrow my incubator or I can hatch them for you. That's cool the NJ folks found out about your ruckus days and are coming. Thanks for the kind words on my blog.
