Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Learn Many Things -- Do Many Things

Today, I went to a funeral/celebration of life for a guy at church who died last week on his motorcycle.  He had gone on a ride and was returning home and turning into his driveway.  Not much damage to his bike or helmet so there is a possibility that it was not a crash but maybe some health issue.  Not sure if anything was determined yet.  He was interested in SO many things and did not have known health issues so his death has been described as tragic.

When you get to my age you start to think about how you want to die; suddenly, dramatically, after an illness that lets you go out slowly, doing something you love,  suddenly in your sleep.  After reading Illusions by Richard Bach and reading the way the main character goes out, I thought I guess it does not matter.  Maybe it matters more how you live not how you die.

I am grateful for today and hearing all the stories about Jeff and seeing all his family and how much they loved him.  Two of his daughters and two of his brothers reminded us to live life to it fullest like Jeff did.

I wonder how I will be remembered.  I hope someone says, "she cared".

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