I keep the barn, barnyard, goose run and chicken coop kept up much better than my house. I think one reason is because the animals do so much for me and they like it when I come visit and give them special treatment. Another reason, perhaps, is that they don't create so much clutter.
Cirrus is a collector, though. He finds things and puts them in his tub or elsewhere around the goose run. Yesterday when I cleaned out the tub, however, there was nothing but the regular collection of feathers and green stuff. When the tub was clean and I was putting my attention elsewhere, I heard splashing coming from the tub. I thought I'd go watch Cirrus enjoy the refreshment but what I found was all 4 goslings having so much fun, with Cirrus standing on the step trying to figure out how he could go in. All three adults, initially, looked like they were glad the goslings were enjoying themselves but then they just left the run when their turns didn't come.
Now, John likes it when I come in and see him and he loves special treatment. He does SO much for me, but still the house is cluttered and the floor doesn't get swept more than the barn gets raked. Maybe if we lived in a house with a dirt floor....
Little mama made the chicks roost on the perch last night. They have been enjoying sleeping in one of the nesting boxes with mama. They looked too small to be balancing on a big perch but, I guess, mamma knows best. They are so funny to watch when they come up to the barn to get a drink, first thing in the morning. They go together and synchronize their dip and swallow.
Sometimes I let the geese come out of the barnyard, for special treatment. Yesterday, I let John herd them back in and he did a great job! I think he will do a fine job watching the animals when I go to see my sisters for a few days. That is special for me.
End of February happenings
5 years ago