Pretty soon Sal's eggs might hatch, pretty soon I will be teaching 2 full weeks of fiber camp, pretty soon some of the seeds I planted will be popping up, pretty soon Summer will be here, pretty soon Lyndy will be living in her tiny house, pretty soon Beverly will be moving.
After Sal's misfortune with her first nest this Spring, she decided to rest and then lay a few more in a nest in the goose run. She is so smart. Now I do not have to worry at night.
One week of fiber camp, 11 are signed up and the other has 7 or 8. I am excited! Many campers will be returning and a few new ones will be coming. With Beverly moving, I have another friend helping with the teaching. The kids and I will really miss Beverly but we are excited for her or at least I am, the kids don't really know yet. Rosemary was here for a week and we dyed some brilliant fleece. We have more different clean fleeces available to us (for fiber camp) than usual and plenty of it, so we will have some BIG fun.
The rain is no longer a regular daily occurrence so I have been having to water the seed I planted. I appreciated the free days I got in the beginning but the flower seeds can use some sun too.
It feels like Summer already, since the rain stopped and the temperatures have been climbing into the 80s (ugh). Lyndy's tiny house is getting closer to being finished every week. Now that we know the weight is O.K. it is full steam ahead.
In a way it seems like May has been here for a long time but on the other hand it seems like the days are flying by. And when I look at the blogs I have written in May I wonder where I have been. Good thing there are 5 more days this month.
End of February happenings
5 years ago