O.K., Lyndy officially said I could share pictures of her sweet tiny house. Lyndy brought another crew over Saturday to work on the tiny house and the theme this time was roofing and decorative shingles. Lyndy also worked on her painted window. Here are a few of the most recent pictures.

Lyndy can stand up in her tiny house bedroom. There is actually plenty of room up there (unless you want a bed and dresser set). Certainly lots of light and view!
Roof is done on one side. The other side has a small skylight to go around and then the roof will be done. You can also see a sample of the clapboard sitting on the wheel well. That will probably be the next crew event.
Not many decorative shingles on the front with the window up top.
When they are up they will look like this.
I love this view. The front of the tiny house with its 22 inch front door and nice front porch.
So you can see the outside is mostly done, and then on to all the interior details that makes the tiny house bigger.
The animals love the build because it means more visitors which sometimes leads to treats or at least a little more attention. They can't really see the tiny house very well from the barnyard so they probably wonder what is going on over where all the noise comes from. When they do get a good look this fall, they will probably say, "That is just the right size for Lyndy".
For anyone wondering how Lyndy is going to get her refrigerator and stove into the house, that is what the side door is for.