John looked out the window, when he got up yesterday morning, and saw the sheep had escaped the barnyard. They were browsing the vines that I wouldn't let them get near when they were in full fleece.
It is a wild area between the barnyard and the house.
John walked the sheep back and gave them a treat, but Cher didn't see them all go. She was on the side of the house. When she walked down toward the barnyard, John was by the gate so she decided to go down the driveway. She has never walked out the gate before, but she did yesterday morning. She was standing in the middle of the road but fortunately no one came around the bend. I circled around and cut her off by Charlies driveway. She turned around and headed back down the road and hung a left to go back up our drive instead of down the road. That was a relief.
I must not have secured the gate well Wednesday and Wednesday night was VERY windy. I wonder when they walked out the gate. Were they out all night? Probably not because they don't like wind. More likely they escaped in the morning.
Then yesterday afternoon, three sheep were out again. This time they came out a gate from a different pasture. That gate was open over the weekend for access to better viewing of the sheep shearing. That pasture had not been open to the animals for awhile. Sheep are very observant and they are smart.
End of February happenings
5 years ago