That's a long title! The latest need here was to improve the ground the animals walk on.
After a week of rain the ground was saturated and MUDDY!!! Then the temperature dropped to the teens and we had frozen ruts, both uncomfortable to walk on. I think I finally realized last year, that putting down a layer of straw, helps (I will have to look that up). The good news is: this year, after a few loads of leaves went to the hugel, I realized they could be of better use laid down where the animals stand the most. And they are so beautiful to look at. I will try to take a picture tomorrow.
One of the things I like about this time of year is that all the animals settle down early. Last evening though, I couldn't find Donald or Black when it was time to close the coop. I looked a long time for them and it got dark. It was only when I went in the garage/barn to turn off the light, that I found them in one of Black's favorite places; by the door in the garage/barn. The reason I didn't look there was because the doors were closed all day since just after feeding the chickens. That meant that they were both closed up in there All day. Looking back, I thought it was funny that I hadn't seen them all day.
The next thing I need to figure out is how to get the mud out from between the two hoof parts of the sheep. They won't let me just walk up to them and plop it out. I do have to trim hoofs soon but the mud is a reoccurring problem (more often than hoofs). I thought it would be nice to have a heated pan with warm water that they could walk through. Even better would be a heated cement trough they could walk through that would also file their hoofs at the same time. So, if what I need is available and a stones throw away.......... what is it? I will consult with Henry tomorrow.
End of February happenings
5 years ago