John's mom was such an inspiration and great fun to be around when she would come to visit us or when we visited her. Gwen died last week at the age of 94.
Grama, as we called her, Focused on ALL things positive. Her life was filled with joy. She shared joy with anyone who would take it. It is funny to think that one of her few worries, was that she might be a burden to any of her family or friends. She was far from that. Everyone loved to be with her and help her in any small way they could. But perhaps she meant in the future as she aged.
Grama had a minor fall which resulted in a broken bone. Surgery went well but a few days later her heart suggested it was time to move on, and so she did. We all thought she was beginning a new chapter in her life, she decided it was time to begin a new book.
Though she is gone from this earth, she still warms many here with her countless quilts and nourishes with recipes passed down. Most of all, her faith and wisdom will be remembered and cherished.
When we met her friends at the church service, they would say, "oh, you are the one with the tiny house, or you are the one with the animals, or you are the one with the beautiful great grandchild/ren, or the many cars, or .................... " Gwen had stories she told to all her friends. And in return we would say, "you are the one/s she played bridge with, or you are the one that took her to appointments, or you are the one/s that visited her every time she had a set back, or the one who did the yard work, or brought in the mail, or .................... The ones, beyond Craig and Shelley, who made it possible for her to live at home. It is always good to put a face to the stories.
The picture boards at the service showed a loving wife, a caring mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and an adventurous soul (even a picture of her in her eighties on rollerblades).
There were sad times of course, but laughter, love, family/friends, and an ever present God, were forefront in her long life. There will always be a smile on the face of anyone who is remembering her.
End of February happenings
5 years ago