I keep telling myself that I am going to get back to writing but it just doesn't happen. It is funny, I read my friend Karen's blog about taking a vacation for a day from what you do, not where you are and I had the same feeling the same day. This is when I believe in astrology and misaligned stars.
It is nice when you can just allow yourself to do nothing and not feel guilty, a rare occurrence. What was even stranger was that I ended up accomplishing a lot that day before it was over. I guess I just needed to know I could take the time off.
So what have I been up to here? I have been making a table and couch for the tiny house. The other day I bought a $5 chair for $4 at the Habitat Store, for parts. Today I took it apart and figured out how I want to use it to put the couch together. Now, I just have to buy a few extra parts and put it all together. I think I will run it by Lyndy first, this weekend.
I have been practicing drawing eclipses as my drawing course gets more difficult. I can't wait till we get more to nature stuff instead of all the still life drawing. I have been weaving a birdhouse. I did a dye pot with some tansy Elizabeth gave me but I am not sure I like the color. I dredged the puddle pond again and put the sludge on one of the hugels.
I trimmed eight hooves but that didn't go so well. I have decided it is time to elicit some help from a strong young man I know.
Then there is the regular stuff. The weather has been hot so not too much fiber work, besides the little weaving.
It doesn't seem like that is enough but oh well. I am sure September will be more productive and there will be lots to write about. I started writing this blog to keep track of what is happening on the farm and sometime there just isn't that much going on.
End of February happenings
5 years ago