I have tried to make a schedule believe me I have, MANY times. I tried schedules that changed with the seasons, I tried 1/2 day schedules, I can't do it.
I keep thinking if I had a regular schedule I would get more done. But, if I can't paint a mud hall in a clockwise direction, why should I think I can keep a schedule.
Animals seem to like schedules or at least routines, it seems to me. I do keep a regular supplements schedule for the sheep. Today, was the full moon (wow was it beautiful) so I gave the sheep their garlic barrier. Sometimes, I give them a second dose the next day. A few days later, I give them a probiotic. Then at the new moon, more garlic barrier and maybe some dried herbs. Apple Cider Vinegar in-between. This paragraph started out seeming like I had at least a supplement schedule for the sheep but by the end of the paragraph, the truth came out, there are many variables in the schedule.
An artist friend told me that if I went out to my fiber studio for 3 hours every morning I would get into a working schedule and get more done. It is not just distractions that keep me from accomplishing this, it is an abundance of other exciting opportunities. I truly wake up (almost) every morning feeling like I am on vacation and I can do anything I want. What a great feeling.
Talking to my friend Jan last night helped me sort some things out. She said maybe I just shouldn't try to have a regular schedule. Then she asked me if I prioritized. I found myself hesitating, then realized everyone prioritizes, or they would be motionless. But, the fact that I hesitated, made me look more closely at the way I prioritize. One of my main rules is- "if the task involves something/someone living, do it first and animal over plant. The rest can be completed later. By the end of the conversation, we decided that I was somewhat deadline oriented.
This morning I felt a bit overwhelmed so I made a few lists, I think 5. By the end of the day, I crossed off 4 things on one and 5 on another. The other lists were for things not as pressing.
A meeting with Joe, was one of the top things on one list. I was to meet him at the coffee shop where he plays music on Wednesday mornings. On the way to meet him, I went by the Farmers Market so I walked through. Some flowers I have been looking for, for dyeing some wool, jumped out at me. Also a zucchini to make some zucchini bread I have been craving. It was the last one she had left, just the right size, waiting for me. And, on my way out of the market, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to find a friend I have been trying to connect with about some specialized plants for dyeing. We made a plan for me to go over to her house, later in the day, to collect the plants she had, even though it was not on my schedule.
As I walked into the back room of the coffee house and heard the music, all my cares vanished and I felt grounded. I said a prayer of thanksgiving for all musicians who spend countless hours playing music to calm the souls of mankind and animals the world over.
Synchronicity and Music is what is good for my health.