Six down and 3 to go and two new people that can add sheep wrestling to their resumes.
It is hoof trimming time again. A couple of weeks ago, Karen helped me with Annie and Rosa. When our friends were here last week, Norma Jean wasn't putting full weight on one foot so we grabbed her to see what was up and trimmed her hooves while we were at it. She didn't seem to hurt when I rotated her foot, so maybe it was a "mud between the hooves" thing. She seemed fine after. Lyndy, came with a couple of her friends for a farm stay this past weekend and wanted to hug a sheep. Zorra was so pleasant that she took on a couple more. Who will come up the drive this week that wants to try their hand at sheep wrestling?
At Ruckus yesterday, some of us tried working on some prototypes of fleece, felt, and yarn chicks for the kids in the after school enrichment program to create. Cathy, while spinning by drop spindle, announced that she had sold her first alpaca throw from the artist's coop she just joined, yay Cathy. Naomi, brought a new supply of white Finn for felting projects at Fiber Camp, thank you Naomi. Beverly, created the winning chick design. Frances, worked on a fleece version. Candy, called to say she was still waiting for a lamb to arrive, and couldn't make it. I forgot to announce more about the upcoming event here in April, oh well. We had a great time. Unfortunately, the new person that was coming didn't make it. I hope she wasn't driving around lost. She lives out in the north part of the county. It is always fun to see who makes it every month and see who finds out about Ruckus Day at Cabin Spring Farm.
I now have a very large group of fiber friends that help with whatever comes up and I am Thankful.
End of February happenings
5 years ago