Three days now since the temperature has been above 32 degrees or 0 degrees C. But thanks to the new water system I am not hauling buckets of hot water to melt ice in the water buckets. What a difference. I am so glad they all talked me into electricity at the barn and John bought the kids a heater for their new water trough, for Christmas. No more buckets with plugs and long extension cords.
I am SO spoiled. All I have to do is put hay out a couple of times a day, check the minerals, rake occasionally, and check in with everyone. The biggest issue now is the hard uneven ground that is difficult to walk on. Amelia was favoring one foot a bit one day. It must be easy to twist an ankle. I know it is for me walking on it. At least it is just down by the gate and the hay feeders. I don't know which is worse- hard ruts or mud.
I was suppose to start training this week but with the wind and temperatures in the 20s I haven't made myself do it yet. We are suppose to have a couple of more inches of snow tomorrow but this time it will be soft and fluffy instead of wet and heavy.
In a few days it is suppose to get warmer. I kind of hope it does because I have much to do including hooves on 4 or 5 of the sheep.
John saw a hawk swoop down out by the barnyard. Maybe after a chicken. He ran down and waved it off and watched it go from tree to tree before leaving. The chickens spent the rest of the day under cover. At the end of the day all five chickens went to roost. I hope the hawk moves on.
I wonder if hawks need more to eat when it is cold too. At least it is not -12 degrees like it is in Wisconsin.
End of February happenings
5 years ago