Today was "No School Fall Fiber Day". Since there was no school today, for whatever reason, I decided to do a fiber workshop. I had four enthusiastic students. We had a blast. First we made a plan of what we wanted to do. It was decided we should card and spin some wool, pick pokeweed berries to dye the yarn in the microwave, and of course hang out with the sheep.
Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures this time. Next time I will have the kids remind me. The girls who have been here a few times are getting better at spinning. It is so great, when you ask kids if it is important to take something home, or just learn more, they say, "just learn more".
The pokeweed had mostly gone by, but there was a large plant next to the compost pile big enough to dye our five small balls of homespun. It came out beautiful! The yarn was different shades of red and pink instead of the fushia color I am more used to. Not sure what that was about.
The two new students wove bracelets on some cardboard box looms we made. It is nice when we can be doing different things and the kids are always complimenting each other on a job well done. I am spoiled with this group; they are all sweethearts.
As we were sitting in the sun making our plan and laughing, one of the students said, "Amelia Bedelia must live here, this is Amelia Bedelia's home, this is Amelia Bedelia's parasite." I hope she meant paradise.