Our latest broody hen would make a wonderful mother I am sure. Too bad the eggs beneath her are not fertile. During the first half of her nesting I have only seen her off her nest once to get something to eat. At that time, I took all but two of her eggs.
Since she decided to be broody in the favorite laying spot, I have not been able to figure out where the others are laying. Yesterday, I decided to make a nice big batch of zucchini bread from the garden surplus. The recipe called for 6 eggs. When I went to the refrigerator, I found only one left. I went out again in search of eggs but still could not find any. John was going into town so I asked him to actually buy eggs at the grocery store. Since we have not bought eggs in 3 years, John forgot there was a difference in eggs and I am sure picked up the first carton his hand touched.
Back in the kitchen, I decided it would not be such a bad thing using store bought eggs because it would give us an opportunity to do a comparison and remind us how fortunate we are to have farm fresh eggs whenever we want them. Then I opened the carton and found 12 rather small uniform white eggs. I knew before I even cracked the first one that we were comparing "apples to oranges". But crack I did, and found the yokes were such a dull yellow instead of rich orange.
Never-the-less, the zucchini bread was wonderful and the fresh garden salsa made at the same time (with the help from a friend) was delightful as well.
This morning I went out early to follow the chickens and find out the new laying spot. Brown 1 was not with the others so I went looking and listening. Up at the barn, I saw her go out from under the wall of the closet where the broody hen is nesting. I opened the door and noticed that the broody hen had spread her wings broad and just seen on one side were two eggs hanging out. That was all she should have under her, but now looking at her she must have around a dozen under her. Instead of pushing the other hens out, she must be allowing them to lay an egg and leave, and then scoops the latest egg under with the rest.
I tried to nudge her to get a few eggs but she declined and pecked me (politely). I would insist but we are leaving in a few days and don't need the eggs. Besides, it will be interesting to see what happens when there is no more room in the nest.
We don't sell eggs, we just have the chickens to clean up after the sheep but it would be nice to have a few more chickens and Black 1 or 2 would make a good mom and John is way out numbered gender wise; I wonder if it is time for a gentle rooster?
End of February happenings
5 years ago