I am back home after a week of visiting family. First John's family gathered for his dad's 90th birthday. All of his brothers and sisters made it plus a cousin, a nephew, and a few inlaws. Then I went on to a gathering of my family. All of my brothers and sisters made it plus 2 inlaws and a niece. Within a few days, I saw 22 family members. It was wonderful!
I came home to cool weather that turned cold. We had our first snow last night and this morning but just a dusting. More snow in other parts of the county (a family that came to the mask workshop this morning left an inch and a half of snow at their house).
Yes, today I had a felt mask workshop. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures until the end so no pictures of the process ( I think I need to hire Karen next time). It worked out well and we had a lot of fun. Not many participants but I know that will change with time.
The animals faired well without me but of course they are glad I am back- maybe ? I forgot to tell John where the chickens are laying these days so there were almost a dozen eggs in the nest in the closet. Oh well.
The snow reminded me that John reminded me to call my hay farmer for some hay. He is going to bring me 2 round bales and some square bales next weekend. Round bales are less expensive in the long run and I think I can peel the hay off in strips to put in the hay rack. The hay farmer has some better quality hay in the square bales so maybe I can mix some in from time to time.
There are more sheep to feed this winter but no pregnant ewes so that will keep the amount down. Still plenty of grass if we don't get too much snow early. If there is grass, sheep prefer it to hay and if there is good hay they don't want the mediocre stuff so winter feeding can be a bit tricky.
I am hoping the weather warms up again since I still have some fall projects to finish. May be time to prioritize.
I am looking forward to a winter of spinning, knitting, and trying new techniques but it is too EARLY.